Set-SMART-Taekwondo-Goals-TKO-TaekwondoWe’re just over a week into the new year, which makes now a great time to think about goal-setting. What goals do you have for your Taekwondo practice in 2020?

If you haven’t had time to come up with anything, why not take a few minutes to think about what you want to achieve over the next several months.

To help you with the process, here are a few tips to help you set SMART Taekwondo goals for 2020:

S – Specific

If your goal for the year is “to get better Taekwondo,” this might be a tough goal to reach. Not because we don’t expect you to get better but because the goal is too vague to gauge your progress. How will you know when you’ve gotten better? Make sure that your goal is specific and clearly defined.

M – Measurable

At the same time, you need a way to measure your progress. Again, if you want to get better, how will you measure your improvement? Once you’ve clearly defined your goal, it usually gets easier to find a way to measure it. For example, if your goal is to go to class more often, you could make this goal more specific by saying that you will “attend class at least three days each week.” There is a way that you can measure this goal through your attendance record.

A – Attainable

Sometimes we can get carried away when we go through the goal-setting process. And while it’s admirable that you dream big and have challenging goals that you want to achieve, a goal that’s too challenging might end up backfiring. If your goal is too far beyond your reach (at this time), you might actually become less motivated to work hard. Think about what is realistic and set your goals accordingly.

R – Relevant

Don’t set goals that you think you should work toward. Choose something that you’re genuinely excited to work on. For example, if competition isn’t your thing, then don’t set goals around attending tournaments. Set goals that are relevant to your personal Taekwondo practice.

T – Time-Based

Once you have a clearly defined goal that’s measurable, realistic, and relevant, then it’s time to include a time element. When will you accomplish your goal? What’s the timeline? Creating a plan with a specific target date helps you figure out how you will meet your future goal. You can work backward from your deadline to set smaller goals that act as checkpoints along the way.

TKO Taekwondo Academy in Winter Haven is here to support you in the pursuit of your personal martial arts goals. To learn more about what we have to offer and how to get started, contact us today.